Liturgical Copes
( number of products: 72 )A cope is an official vestment of immense pride and value worn by priests while engaging in the celebrations that are held outside of regular Mass periods or beyond the church's surroundings. While chasubles are worn during the Mass period, copes are worn outside the Mass period, especially during processions, eucharist benedictions, vespers, and solemn praise, consistories for the creation of new cardinals, and other occasions outside mass.
Variety of copes’ sizes
This cope is a very big cloak of secular origin. It has a semicircle with a radius of 55 in to 62 in, and is open at the front. It has been held together on the chest by a clip.
This set of copes has several varieties including gothic copes, semi-gothic copes, Marian copes and Roman copes. A stole accompanies this set of the cope, and it is worn after the stole, on top of the surplice or the alb. It comes in various colors and is used based on the nature of the celebration you want to use. Copes are a garment used for several solemn occasions, and it is garnished and blessed with rich embroidery and attractive ornaments, which makes the wearer stand out among other people.
What is the design of copes?
Copes have a front and back decorated high-quality orphrey, a decorated and rich embroidery made of pure gold thread. It is made of plain fabric and it is available in nearly all liturgical colors. There exists a set of copes with a humeral veil, which is one of the vestments used in the initiation of Roman rites. Its application can also be found in several Anglican churches. It composes a cloth almost in long in a standard format and in width. We also have a set of copes with miter. This miter is known to be a liturgical head-dress and noted to be among the insignia adorned by a bishop. It is waved across the head to supplement the dressing style of the cope worn. Get the perfect copes as you search through our catalog for the best and highest quality copes available. Chech out also sets of chasuble with cope.

Gothic Cope IHS with matching stole

Roman Cope - Celtic Cross with the Holy Spirit < Liturgical Vestment 4916 >

Red Gothic Cope with symbol Chi-Rho ☧ for Good Friday or Palm Sunday

Roman Cope Coronation Tapestry model 115