Sets of Cope with Miter for Bishop and Priest
( number of products: 10 )Copes are long mantles or cloaks that are open in front and fastened at the breast with a band or clasp. It is a garment intended for solemn occasions, and so it is used in processions, Eucharist benedictions, vespers and solemn praise, and many other such occasions.
Because it is a garment meant for solemn occasions, it is always decorated with rich embroidery and embellished with gems and precious ornaments.
A cope can be worn by any rank of the clergy. When a bishop wears the cope, it is usually accompanied by a miter.
The miters in this sets
The miter is a covering for the head-worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries. It is a traditional and ceremonial headdress worn by the bishop (and some abbot in traditional Christianity). The miter has two shield-shaped stiffened halves that face the front and back. And there are two fringed streamers, known as lappets, that hang from the back. The miter developed from the papal tiara and has been in use since the 11th century.
Ackermann provides a rich array of sets of cope with miter. These sets include a cope, Priest stole, and a miter. Some sets even include a chasuble.
What color of cope is usually worn?
The color of the cope worn usually follows the color assigned to that day in the liturgical calendar.
However, white copes may always be worn for celebrations of a joyful character or before the Blessed Sacrament. And purple copes may always be worn for celebrations of a penitential nature. Red copes are used during Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost, and some other days stated on the liturgical calendar.
The cope may be made from any rich material, including cloth of gold. This golden color can be used in place of any color except violet or black.
The cope and miter are highly distinguished symbols of status in the clergy, worn during solemn occasions. Ackermann understands this and provides a beautiful range of cope and miter sets. Every vestment is precisely and expertly made to suit the solemn occasion and the liturgical calendar.