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High Mass Sets

( number of products: 7 )

The High Mass is a mass celebrated in full ceremonial form and has some parts chanted or sung by the celebrant. It is a much longer Mass than the Low Mass, and it consists of more singing and rituals (for example, the use of incense).

During High Mass, the priest, deacon, and sub-deacon sing many prayers and psalms. Because most of the parts are sung, everyone present can participate. High Mass is celebrated on Sundays and during holidays such as Christmas and Easter when people can devote more time to worship.

Ceremonial vestments used for High Mass

Some of the ceremonial vestments used in a High Mass are the chasuble, a matching stole, dalmatics, humeral veil, a cope, a mitre, maniples, and a chalice veil.

The High Mass set includes:

  • A cope with matching stole.
  • A chasuble with matching stole
  • A dalmatic with a deacon stole.
  • Humeral veil.
  • Burse, maniple, and chalice veil.

Some sets include the Mitre, which is a tall headdress worn by the bishop.

What vestments can be worn during High Mass

Copes: It is a long mantle or cloak open in front and fastened at the breast with a band or clasp. A cope can be worn by any rank of the clergy. When a bishop wears the cope, it is usually accompanied by a miter.

Humeral veils: It is a long rectangular cloak draped over the shoulders and down the front, over the cope or other vestments. It is normally made of silk or cloth of gold.

It has very ornate designs, and some have pouches (like pockets) at the ends so that the wearer can put his hands. These pouches make it easier for the wearer to hold items without touching them with their hands.

Chasubles: It is a sleeveless outermost garment worn by officiating priests and bishops at Mass. The chasuble is often worn with a stole, which is a band of really long colored cloth.

Dalmatics: It is a long robe with wide sleeves that is slit on the sides, and it is the outer liturgical vestment of the deacon. The dalmatic is usually made from the same material as a chasuble and with the same design to form a matching pair.

Maniples: It is an ornamental vestment in the form of a band and is made from silk or a similar material. It is worn during Mass and only by the sub-deacon, deacon, priest, and bishop.

High Masses are much fancier and ceremonial than the Low Mass and are celebrated in full ceremonial vestments. Ackermann makes the most dignified ceremonial vestments from the finest and most durable fabrics. Each vestment is expertly and precisely made to make every High Mass the dignified holy event it truly is.

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