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Processional Crosses

( number of products: 13 )

A processional cross is just a crucifix carried at the head of a procession and is frequently set on a long staff or handle so that it may be seen more clearly.

This topic has previously been briefly discussed from an archaeological standpoint under the cross. It is sufficient to state that the processional cross is not dissimilar to the cross of jurisdiction, which is carried before the Pope, his legates, and metropolitans or archbishops.

The Pope is authorized to carry the cross in front of him everywhere he goes; a legate's cross is only used in the region for which he has been assigned, and an archbishop's cross is only used within the confines of his jurisdiction. All of these crosses, including the Pope's, have only one bar in practice.

In Italy, it is customary to attach streamers to a sort of penthouse over the crucifix, or the knob beneath it, in the case of religious orders, confraternities, and other organizations' crosses. When these crosses are carried in procession, the figure of Christ faces the procession's direction of travel. However, the formation of our Saviour on papal, legatine, and archiepiscopal crosses is always turned towards the prelate to whom it belongs.

During Lent, a particular processional cross was used in England during the Middle Ages. It was made of wood, painted red, and lacked a Christ figure. This is likely the same "vexillum cinericium" that we read about in the Sarum Processional.

The Double-Barred Cross

The double-barred cross is a kind of heraldic fabrication that does not appear in Church ceremonies. Every parish is said to have its cross, which serves as a sort of standard behind which parishioners are marshaled when they must participate in an enormous procession. Cathedral chapters and similar collegiate groups are likewise likely to have a processional cross that precedes them in their corporate capacity.

The same is true for the religious, for whom custom dictates that the staff of the cross should be made of silver or metal in the case of monastic orders but of wood in the case of mendicant orders.

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