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Liturgical Stoles

( number of products: 80 )

What is a stole?

The stole is a liturgical vestment worn by Christians of many faiths. It is made up of a band of colorful material, generally silk, of about seven and a half to nine feet long and three to four inches wide, with ends that might be straight or widen out. The liturgical stole's center is worn around the back of the neck, while the two ends drop down parallel to each other in front, either connected or loose. 

Almost typically, the stole is embellished in some fashion, generally with a cross or some significant religious pattern. As a sweat guard, a piece of white linen or lace is sewed into the back of the collar and may be changed for less money than the stole itself. In most cases, a stole will be the liturgical color allocated by the church for the liturgical season or the specific service. Some Protestant clergy wear stoles that have colors or symbols that do not match the liturgical colors. 

History of the liturgical stole

The stole was essentially a type of shawl that covered the shoulders and dropped in front of the body; on ladies, they were sometimes extremely enormous. The stole progressively got smaller and began to display more intricate embellishments after being accepted by the Church of Rome during the seventh century (the stole had already been adopted in other regions before this time), turning into a badge of dignity. Nowadays, the stole is often broader and is made from a range of materials.

How is the stole worn?

The Roman Catholic deacon wears it over the left shoulder, with the ends connected under the right arm; priests and bishops wear it around the neck, with the ends hanging vertically, unless when wearing an alb, when priests cross the ends in front.

Significance of the stole

The stole, together with the cincture and the now mostly extinct maniple, represents the chains and fetters with which Jesus was bound during his Passion; it is generally decorated with a cross. Another interpretation is that the stole represents the obligation to preach God's Word.

 It is a symbol of immortality in the Roman Catholic Church. It is typically regarded as the distinctive emblem of the ordained priesthood and is bestowed at ordination.

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