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Sets of Copes

( number of products: 4 )

A cope is a liturgical vestment. It is a long mantle or cloak worn by Clergy, lay ministers in some situations, and also a Bishop. When worn by a bishop, it is accompanied by a miter, the ceremonial headdress used in traditional Christianity. Originally, Copes came with triangular hoods, but as time went by, some changes occurred, and those hoods are now merely ornamental. With pictures from old times, Chasubles were depicted to come with hoods, and so from their origins, the Copes and Chasubles were once considered identical. In the present day, during processions and consecrations, a Cope is the proper vestment for a clergy.

Let’s Consider the different Sets of Copes:

  • Gothic Copes

The set with Gothic Copes to consider under this is model 113. There are four copes and Priest stoles in this set, and they are made of high-quality lightweight damask fabrics. The hoods are decorated with gold fringes and high-quality orphreys made with golden threads. Another one to consider is model 115, which consists of the cope and Priest stole. It is also made of lightweight damask fabric and is decorated with good quality orphreys.

  • Semi-Gothic Copes

Model 637 of this set includes Semi Gothic Copes and Priest stole. The hood comes with a golden pom-pom and the Cope is made using lightweight brocade fabric. A new design of this cope is the Holy Spirit model 809 which includes a cope and Priest stole. There is also the model 660, purple cope model 579, Gold cope model114, etc.

  • Marian Copes

For this cope, we have the model 559 which includes a traditional cope and stole made of lightweight damask fabric. Another one worthy of mention is the model 636, which includes a gothic Marian Cope and Priest stole, which is beautifully and expertly made. There are many others, but I will only list a few; we have the White cope model 537, model 557, model 013, etc.

  • Roman Copes

This is another liturgical vestment worn by Clergy and comes in different colors and sets. One of the well-known sets is the Set of Gold model 674. In this set, there are four traditional Roman copes and a stole made of Italian silk with expert embroidery. The copes also come in different colors. Others include model 827, model 694, Holy Spirit model, etc.

During Processions and Consecrations, the appropriate attire for Clergy is a Cope, and he has the choice of picking any cope that goes well with the occasion.

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