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Priest's Gothic stoles

( number of products: 44 )

There are numerous theories as to where the clergy stole originated. The majority of believers think the liturgical stole was fashioned from a neck shawl that was draped over the shoulders and tucked into the front placket. Before the Roman Catholic Church adopted stoles worn by females between 600 and 690 AD, stoles were extremely broad. Still, as time passed, they narrowed and began to incorporate more ornate decoration to indicate nobility.

A stole is an embellished strip or belt worn by religious people slung over one's shoulder and conceals part of one's neck. Stoles are intended to be worn with a variety of other clerical clothing. Today, clergy stoles are commonly worn by clergy officiating or administering Holy Communion to signify eternal life via the divine. Gothic-style stoles are finished with an orphrey chosen from a wide selection and fringe at the ends.

The stole, which is frequently represented with a cross, represents the chains and handcuffs that tied Jesus during his Passion. It was formerly worn with the cincture and the now obsolete maniple. Another way to understand the theft is that it represents the spread of God's Word.

The church normally determines the colors of the stoles based on the season or service for which they are being used.

Some colors of the liturgical calendar

Green: This is the color for what is known as "ordinary time" or "church time." This is also known as the "epiphany" stage. Ordinary time is defined as any period of the year between Christmas and Lent and between Easter and Advent. Green represents vitality, hope, and expectation.

Red is the color worn during Pentecost and Holy Week, including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The color red represents God's love, blood, fire, and the commemoration of martyrs. Red can also be worn as a sign of confirmation.

White/gold: This color is popular throughout the holidays and Easter. It represents purity, brightness, splendor, and joy, as well as Christ's birth and resurrection. White is worn for baptisms, marriages, ordinations, and even feast days of the Lord, the Blessed Mother, and non-martyr Saints. White is also sometimes worn at funerals.

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